Expat Life

Everyone Needs an “Ally”

The blog title, “The Reluctant Globetrotter” was coined by my family, knowing how apprehensive I was about this assignment. I knew Australia was a wonderful place, but I did not want to move so far away from my children.

I am very close to both of my children, Ally and Tim. (My husband’s name is also Tim, so I will refer to my son as T.)  I was so fortunate that Ally was able to stay with us early in my stay in Australia. I so wish my son T could’ve been here too, but that wasn’t possible with his schedule. But I was grateful one child could come over early in my stay and I really look forward to my son’s visit in September!

Ally visited for about two weeks and I firmly believe that when anybody moves to a new country, they really need to have an “Ally” with them. She was incredibly helpful and played so many roles in helping with my adjustment to this far-away land.

Travel guide

Ally was more prepared for my move than I was. She knew the neighborhoods, the public transportation system, the restaurants, major landmarks and shopping areas before she even got here. I just followed her around as I had my own personal tour guide.

Exercise coach

We walked and ran every day, averaging 20,000 steps a day, exploring Sydney and Melbourne. I called our time together “Ally’s Boot Camp”. I was just proud I could keep up!

Technical consultant

She helped me pick out an Australian phone, link it up with my US phone and iPad and set up this blog website! In addition, she downloaded public transportation apps so at any given time I can look at the boat, bus or train schedule. Need I say more?


I have such amazing memories of our two weeks together! Throughout our 20,000 steps a day, we saw everything we could, but barely scratched the surface, talked about everything and nothing at the same time, discussed all the worlds problems and solved none. I truly am the reluctant globetrotter but I believe there is a silver-lining in everything. I would not have had this very unique and memorable experience with my daughter had we not moved here. It made it all worth it!