Around Sydney

A Manly Walkabout

This is a picture story of our recent hiking trip to Manly Cove.  Every part, well almost every part of this trip was amazing!


The Ferry Ride 

The trip to Manly Cove started off with a 10-minute walk to the ferry pier from our apartment.

This is the view from the ferry.

We arrived at Manly Cove.




The first stop was breakfast and there were no egg white omelettes on this menu! My new favorite breakfast – Banana bread with chocolate dipping sauce along with cappuccino drizzled with chocolate chips.


The Hike

The hike started off at an old military base.  Yes, that is me marching on the old Australian army parade grounds.


A good portion of the hiking path was on ground-covered grates.  I surmised the grates were there to protect the hikers from the snakes.  I was right!  As Tim and I were hiking,  a park guide told us we just missed a brown snake, an extremely venomous snake too.  That’s it!  I am wearing long pants and big boots on the next hike!


Our Destination


A breathtaking view!

Before we caught the ferry back home, we saw an Aborigine man playing the didgeridoo.

A great hiking day!

After the hike   

The perfect way to end a hike!


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    Elaine Adams

    I’m very much enjoying your journey from Missouri. The coffee story cracks me up because I have been there, done that. I was trying to guess what “iced coffee” was in “Australian” lol!! My guesses were “cold Americana” or “cold coffee, white”. Amazing how “English” can be so different around the world. Enjoy! Looking forward to more stories.

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    Carlene Blake

    Wow! You all walked a long way. It would be worth the hike for those views! I am loving your blog.

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    Greg and Vicky Rozelle

    Kate, We are enjoying your adventures. Still not enough for a 17 hour flight. Well done! You should have enough material for a book by the time you return. By the way, Wolverines are in the final four! Greg & Vicky

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    Audrey Lawless

    Kate I love the pictures, the cove looks beautiful. I have always wondered what a “didgeridoo” was. I knew it was a musical instrument, and now I know what it looks like. It is going to be fun following your blog. ❤️