Expat Life

A Ridgy Didge Ocker Story

Communication is absolutely no problem here in Australia, especially compared to the years I lived in Hong Kong.  However, I find their use of slang and shorten words to be very interesting and at times I need to ask what people are saying.  Instead of just writing a list of slang words and their meanings, I thought it would be more fun to write a story using Australian slang. Enjoy! (This is not a true story, but it certainly could have been.)

A Ridgy Didge Ocker Story

On one beautiful arvo, Tim and I had a wonderful chin wag and decided instead of staying home with our lappys, looking at facey and watching footy on the telly, we would take a hike.  We planned on driving to a southern part of Straya, pack some tucker and choccy biccys and enjoy the day.  Of course, about an hour into the drive, I told Tim I needed to stop at a servo because I defo needed to use the dunny. We got back on the road and within an hour we arrived at our destination. The water, the mountains, it was ocker! When we started hiking  I was a stunned mullet when I saw how many dishlickers there were at this park! Every hiker must have brought their dishlicker (I still miss my little dishlicker so much).  The weather was beautiful and the hike was breathtaking. We were pretty far out on the hike, and the trails had thinned out. Tim was leading and my only focus was on the views when Tim tells me we’ve gone walkabout.  It had seemed like a piece of piss to get out here, but what did I know,  I wasn’t paying attention.  Now I’m nervous, the last thing I need is to walk aimlessly in the bush, with thoughts of not getting back til the sparrow farts.  Tim starts laughing, telling me this was all a larrikin.  Well, I was mad as a cut snake.  What a bogan!

Anyways, we finished our hike and laughed about it most of the way home. Stopped by the bottle-O for a nice bottle of ridgy didge Australian wine.

Slang Word Cheat Sheet

Slang Word Meaning
Arvo Afternoon
Bogan Uncultured person
Bottle-O Liquor store
Chinwag Long conversation
Choccy Chocolate
Defo Definitely
Dishlicker Dog
Dunny Toilet
Facey Facebook
Footy Football, which for is rugby
Gone walkabout Lost
Mad as a cut snake Very angry
Ocker Distinctively Australian
Piece of Piss An easy task
Ridgy Didge Original
Servo Gas station
Sparrows fart Dawn
Straya Australia
Stunned Mullet Surprised
Tucker Food

Read more about Australian slang here