Around Sydney

Swooping Season, Really?

I can honestly say I have recovered from the seagull trauma two years ago when the group stole my grilled chicken sandwich on the pier. In fact, I started to appreciate the beauty and variety of birds over here.  On my morning runs, I see magpies on my path and noticed they didn’t even move when I ran past them. They are rather large birds, ranging from 14 to 17 inches in length, with distinctive black and white plumage and is considered one of Australia’s most accomplished songbirds.    A few months ago, I would have avoided any flying or non-flying animal but the magpies, although quite large, seemed harmless.

My friend the magpie

I had another great run earlier this week and again, I saw the magpies on my route. At dinner that same evening, I started to tell Tim about my new appreciation of the Australian Magpie and much to my surprise he says, “Oh, by the way,  I don’t know if you are aware of this but it’s mating season for the magpies.  They are known to attack humans if they think you are a threat.”  Oh my gosh! Really! They can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own nest – I am no threat. Seriously!   I decided to google the mating habits of the magpie and yes, Tim was right!

According to Wikipedia, “Magpies are ubiquitous in urban areas all over Australia and have become accustomed to people. A small percentage of birds become highly aggressive during the breeding season from late August to early-mid October, and will swoop and sometimes attack passerby.”

Crap!  I refuse to stop running so I need to know what I do if the magpies swoop, especially since I clearly was ineffective warding off the seagulls.  According to the WikiHow, this is what I need to do to avoid a magpie attack:

1. Pay attention to nesting areas

2. Keep calm and walk – they typically swoop runners or bicyclist

3. Don’t return after the encounter.  Australian magpies have an incredible memory and will attack some people again and again.

4. Magpies are less likely to attack if you are looking at them, so wear a hat and add fake eyes to your headpiece.

5. Attach a steel nut to the end of a piece of string and swing it above your head to look like a helicopter.

So picture this:  When I run, I need to wear a hat with fake eyes on the back of my head while swinging a steel nut in the air like a helicopter.  If I see them I must stop running and walk, and if I do get attacked I will surely not return to the same spot or they might me attack again since they have such great memories!  I just hope they haven’t recently attacked someone that looks like me!

Most Australians have a magpie story to tell, and although I have not been swooped, it’s always important to be smart and remember I am in their territory.  I believe if I mind my own business, they will too.  I hope 🙂

Please read this entertaining and informative article if you want more information on how to avoid being swooped!